

What disorders can be treated?

-Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
-Cellulite Reduction
-Heel spurs: plantar fasciitis
-Tendons: chronic enthesopathies
-Achilles tendon: mid-portion achilles tendinopathy
-Achilles tendon: insertional achilles tendinopathy
-Shin pain: tibialis anterior syndrome
-Knee pain: patellar tip syndrome
-Hip pain: greater trochanteric pain syndrome
-Lower back pain: idiopathic lower back pain, radicular and pseudoradicular lower back pain
-Tennis elbow: lateral epicondylitis
-Golf elbow: medial epicondylitis
-Shoulder pain: calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder
-Shoulder pain: subacromial pain syndrome
-Chronic neck and back pain: myofascial trigger points (MFTPs)
-Osgood Schlatter disease (OSD)